All your posts are available for editing on the Posting | Edit Posts tab, or by clicking the "Manage Posts" link on your dashboard.

You can use the search box to filter the list for posts containing particular words. You'll also see a list of any labels you're using. Clicking on a label in this list will show you only posts with that label.

On the right side of the list there are a few other options that may help you. You can change the number of posts displayed, or just scroll back in time through the chronological list. There are also links to display only drafts, or only published posts.

Note: You can use Quick Edit links to edit your posts directly from your archives. This is the easiest option for finding and editing old posts from particular dates.
Easy Step How To Create and Start Your Free Blog
Step 1 Create Gmail account
Step 2 How do I create a Blogger account?
Step 3 Create a blog
Step 4 How do I post to my blog?
Step 5 How do I edit what I've written?
Step 6 How do I find an old post?
Step 7 How do I change the date or time of my post?
Step 8 Do Not Spam Your Blogs
For more information about blogger you can visit Blogger Help
Easy Step How To Create and Start Your Free Blog
Step 1 Create Gmail account
Step 2 How do I create a Blogger account?
Step 3 Create a blog
Step 4 How do I post to my blog?
Step 5 How do I edit what I've written?
Step 6 How do I find an old post?
Step 7 How do I change the date or time of my post?
Step 8 Do Not Spam Your Blogs
For more information about blogger you can visit Blogger Help
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